Editorial: Qualitative Research – Methods, Participants, the Process of Implementation
qualitative research, reflexivity, researcher positionality, qualitative research participantsAbstract
The text presented serves as an introduction to the themed issue “Qualitative Research – Methods, Participants, Process of Implementation”. The first section of the text outlines the backdrop for the development of the volume, namely the dynamic changes in the field of qualitative research, the emergence of novel questions pertinent to the roles of the researcher and research participants, and the quest for new avenues for the implementation of research projects. The second part of the introduction features a succinct presentation of the articles that make up the volume. They derive from the methodological explorations of the contributing researchers and reflect their creative responses to the challenges arising at different stages of the research process. The articles collected in the volume showcase the diversity of the contemporary field of qualitative research.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794108095079
- 2024-07-10 (2)
- 2024-05-31 (1)
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