Speech Therapy Assessment of a 6-Month-Old Infant with DiGeorge Syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome, infant, speech therapy diagnosis, primary activities, communication skillsAbstract
DiGeorge’s syndrome is a set of congenital defects and abnormalities caused by a deletion of chromosome 22 (loss of a fragment of the long arm of this chromosome). The symptoms of the disease include, but are not limited to: heart defects, hypocalcaemia, decreased level of calcium in the body), immune disorders, as well as facial dysmorphism, irregularities in the structure of the palate, decreased muscle tone, abnormalities in cognitive development, hearing loss, speech disorders. Patients with this diagnosis require multi-specialist care, including speech therapy. The article presents the results of the diagnosis of primary speech activities, the auditory responses and also communication and social skills of a 6-month-old child with DiGeorge syndrome, as well as the therapeutic recommendations formulated on its basis.
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