The Reception of Grounded Theory Methodology by Polish Researchers: Considerations Fifty Years after the Publication by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss


  • Izabela Bukalska Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Katedra Socjologii Kultury, Instytut Socjologii UKSW, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa



grounded theory methodology, Barney Glaser, Anselm L. Strauss, academic environment


The article offers a preliminary investigation into the process of the reception of grounded theory methodology in Poland, with the special consideration of perspectives proposed by three sociologists in particular, namely Professor Krzysztof Konecki, Professor Marek Gorzko, and Professor Elżbieta Zakrzewska-Manterys. The interviews with the said researchers referred to the beginnings of their research (inspirations, mentors, the environment), the diagnosis with regard to the current state of affairs (environmental issues, the level of research conducted according to GTM, thematic gaps), and predictions (directions of further development, important perspectives). In reference to the processual dimension of the GTM reception, questions were raised as to both past and future challenges faced by GTM practitioners, the evolution of their approach to the GTM principles and strategies, as well as turning points in the sociologists’ research work. As it turns out, the community dealing with GTM in Poland does not constitute a social world, nor is it a nationwide environment. Rather, it consists of a tight group focused around Professor Konecki on the one hand, and individual researchers from other academic centers on the other.


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Author Biography

Izabela Bukalska, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Katedra Socjologii Kultury, Instytut Socjologii UKSW, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa

Izabela Bukalska, dr, adiunkt w Katedrze Socjologii Kultury Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Członkini Sekcji Socjologii Jakościowej i Symbolicznego Interakcjonizmu PTS. Autorka monografii Węgierskie mniejszości narodowe i ich światy społeczne (Wyd. UKSW, 2017). Zainteresowania obejmują tematykę mniejszości narodowych, badania nad etnicznością oraz różne aspekty uczestnictwa w kulturze. W badaniach wykorzystuje zasady metodologii teorii ugruntowanej.


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How to Cite

Bukalska, I. (2019). The Reception of Grounded Theory Methodology by Polish Researchers: Considerations Fifty Years after the Publication by Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15(3), 92–114.