Knowledge of Teachers and Students of Early School Education and Pre-School Education on the Dysfunctions and Parafunctions of the Orofacial Complex
speech therapy, orofacial complex, dysfunctions, parafunctions, knowledge, teachers, students, early school education, pre-school educationAbstract
Cooperation between educators and speech therapists represents an important element in the care of a child with speech disorders, including speech impediments. Teachers should also have the minimum of knowledge on speech therapy which will allow them to notice abnormalities in speech development in children as well as identify activities which promote the development of language communication disorders. The paper presents the findings of the research whose main aim was to present the level of knowledge of teachers and students of pre-school and early school education on abnormalities of the orofacial complex and their impact on the development of articulation disorders. In addition, the aim of the research was to get acquainted with the opinions of respondents on the need to educate teachers in this respect.
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