SLI or DLD? Changes in Terminology of Speech Disorders with Ambiguous Etiology in the Context of Polish Educational Law




specific language impairment (SLI), developmental language disorder (DLD), Polish educational law, terminological difficulties, diagnostic difficulties, a judgment on the need for special education


The article has been devoted to speech disorders of unclear ambiguous cause. There are many alternative terms for this type of language communication disorder in the literature. One of them is SLI (specific language impairment). According to the arrangements of international experts it is recommended to depart from SLI to DLD (developmental language disorder). The article presents the rationale behind this solution. At the same time, the consequences of the lack of terms in Polish educational law that define speech disorders occurring with­out a clear cause were discussed.


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How to Cite

Gacka, E. (2022). SLI or DLD? Changes in Terminology of Speech Disorders with Ambiguous Etiology in the Context of Polish Educational Law. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (6), 51–61.

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