Factors affecting validity and reliability of achievement tests
achievement test, reliability, validity, test planning, mistakes of the planning phase, factors affecting test reliability and validity, factor analysisAbstract
A language achievement test is the most commonly used evaluation tool in the field of language learning/ teaching. Such tests measure students’ mastery of a particular instructional domain in order to make decisions regarding their advancement and/or competency. A well-constructed test will give both the teacher and the students an appraisal of their respective achievements. Administering tests will lose its importance if the items do not pose a particular challenge to the students and/or if they do not adequately reflect the given body of content. The text presents a thorough analysis of the factors affecting validity and reliability of achievement tests. Validity is the most important quality of test use, which concerns the extent to which meaningful inferences can be drawn from test scores. No test can achieve its intended purpose if its results are unreliable.
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