Health Models – Financing and Effects: a Comparative Study of the Models in Poland and Italy


  • Bartłomiej Krzeczewski University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Corporate Finance image/svg+xml
  • Cesare Hassan Humanitas University, Department of Biomedical Sciences; Humanitas Clinical and Research Center IRCCS, Endoscopy Unit



health system, healthcare system, Polish healthcare, Italian healthcare, healthcare in Poland, healthcare in Italy, health financing


The purpose of the article. The study brings a comparative analysis between health systems in Poland and Italy. It is aimed at fulfilling the subject literature using economic comparative analyses between different health systems as well as straight comparisons between Polish and Italian health systems. Moreover, another aim of the study is to find out some weak points and to point out some good practices of each of the analyzed health systems. The research question for the purpose of this study is as follows: what changes can be implemented to improve the efficiency of each of the analyzed health systems?

Methodology. The study is carried out on the background of health systems' theory. The critical literature review is conducted. A comparative analysis using such indicators as percentage of GDP and GDP per capita spent on financing health systems, healthcare spending components, life-expectancy data or Euro Health Consumer Index indicators are applied and analysed in the study.

Results of the research. Health systems in Poland and Italy in the latest decades were transformed in a completely different way. Healthcare in Poland is based mainly on health insurance premiums whereas in Italy financing of healthcare is based mainly on taxes. Among similarities between the systems a high level of responsibility designated to local authorities may be mentioned. The comparative analysis indicates that the situation of the Italian health system seems to be much better as compared to its Polish counterpart. Though, some solutions, aimed at improving health system efficiency, can be transferred from one system to another in case of both analyzed systems.


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How to Cite

Krzeczewski, B., & Hassan, C. (2023). Health Models – Financing and Effects: a Comparative Study of the Models in Poland and Italy. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, (1), 53–70.


