Special Issue

Special Issuess (SI)

Finanse i Prawo Finansowe.

Journal of Finance and Financial Law (JoFFL)



 General information on Special Issue (SI) 

- It enables the Journal's Editorial Board to publish material in addition to regular issues of the quarterly journal. 

- It constitutes a collection of articles, linked by a main topic. The articles should describe a specific financial issue and they may cover it from various perspectives, such as: economic, legal, sociological. The financial issue is expected to be broad in scope, to be in line with the objectives and scope of the journal, and it should also lay within the field of interest of the potential readers.

- It aim is to: 

  • To analyse previously unaddressed scientific aspects, to propose and develop new experimental or analytical approaches, to exchange perspectives and to encourage potential authors to take up new lines of research.  
  • To provide flexibility and opportunities for interdisciplinary research exchange and collaboration.  
  • Recognising/honouring the contribution of a individual or group of individuals to the field. 
  • Commemorating an occasion. 
  • Recognising the authority and quality of the research of guest editors and their contribution to fields by having them chair/supervise work on a special issue by the Journal Editorial Board. 

The role of the Guest Editor (GE)  

involved in the SI publishing process 

  • SI is edited by subject matter experts who act as Guest Editor of the special issue.  
  • The GE is responsible for the content of the SI and the Editorial team is responsible for providing administrative assistance as part of the publication process. 
  • GE is appointed by the Editorial Board of the Journal, from a pool of national and international experts in finance. The Editorial Board team oversees /evaluates proposals for special issues, considering compliance with the journal's objectives and thematic scope. 
  • GE of SI works as unpaid volunteers.  
  • GE analyses gaps in research areas within the journal's thematic scope. 
  • GE prepares a proposal for a special issue:  
    • A proposal of title, presentation of abstract (150-200 words), keywords (3-10), justification for taking up the topic. 
    • Once accepted by the journal's Editorial Board, they personally invite their colleagues, active in the publication market and professionals in the broader field of finance to submit papers.  
    • He/she decides on the scope of the SI and make a preliminary evaluation and selection of the articles. Final approval of articles for publication rests with the Journal Editor. 
    • He/she decides whether to submit articles for the review process. 
    • He/she drafts the introduction. 
    • He/she engages in the promotion of their SI through social media and at conferences. 


Information on the SI publication process 

Ethical principles of publication. General information 

-    The publication of articles contained in SI is subject to the same ethical standards as a regular issue of the journal. The ethical principles of the journal Finance and Financial Law. Journal of Finance and Financial Law (JoFFL) https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/fipf/publication_ethics  

-    JoFFL is a member of COPE https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/fipf/about 


Ethical principles of publication. Detailed information 

  • Compatibility of the content with the scope of the journal. The Guest Editor (GE) must ensure that the published content in the special issue is consistent with the title and declared scope of the journal.  
  • Citation rules. The GE must not ask authors to include references just to increase the number of citations of their own work or the work of a colleague, journal or other journal with which they are affiliated. According to the COPE guidelines, we expect that "original wording taken directly from other researchers' publications should appear in inverted commas with appropriate citations". This condition also applies to the author's own work.   
  • Guest Editor Articles. GE may publish their articles in the special issue, but the number should not exceed 25% to ensure a diversity of authors representing the SI research area. Each article submitted by an GE will be supported by a member of the Editorial Board.  
  • Confidentiality. The GE should protect the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal. This includes all correspondence addressed solely to the Editor and the identity of reviewers.   
  • Conflict of interest. All individuals involved in the review process must carefully consider and declare any conflicts of interest when participating in the review, decision-making process and publication of the article. All relationships that interfere with, or could potentially be perceived as interfering with, a full and objective review, peer review and decision-making process must be reported.  Even if the GE believes that the existence of a conflict of interest or several conflicts of interest will not affect the review or decision-making process, the GE should remove him/herself from the process to avoid the perception of a conflict of interest and protect the integrity of the review process. In the event of a conflict of interest, an alternative GE will be found. 
  • Statement of conflicting interests. Any potential editorial conflicts of interest should be reported to the publisher in writing before the appointment of the GE and updated if new conflicts arise. 


Other information 

  • Invitations to publish (Authors). Invited by the Guest Editor or by the Journal Editor.   
  • Frequency of publication. Published irregularly. 
  • Time. it takes up to 12 months from submission of articles to prepare a special issue for publication.  
  • Volume. May vary in the volume of the issue, up to a maximum of 11 articles. 
  • Editorial Requirements. Edited to the same format and standards as a regular journal issue (see: http://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/fipf/editorial_instructions). 
  • Reviews. Articles in SI go through scientific reviews in the standard way for a journal (see: https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/fipf/review_process).  
  • Fees. Publication of an article in SI is free of charge.



Authors of articles for the Special Issue are obliged to submit an author's declaration.