Reviewing Principles

Reviewing Principles

Papers submitted to the Journal of Finance and Financial Law will be considered for publication if they are empirical, empirical-theoretical, or theoretical in nature. The papers must offer substantive value, present research findings clearly, and employ appropriate research methods. The topics should relate to the fields of economics, finance, legal sciences, management and quality sciences, with proper documentation.

The editors of the Journal of Finance and Financial Law prefer articles in English.

The journal encourages Authors to cite literature primarily from the Web of Science and Scopus databases.

By submitting an article, the Author agrees to undergo the review process adopted by the journal.

Review Procedure

The article review process consists of several stages:

  1. Initial Evaluation: The editorial board assesses the article for formalities and alignment with the journal's scope.
  2. Selection of Reviewers: The thematic editors and the editor-in-chief choose two reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. These reviewers must guarantee independent opinions, absence of conflict of interest with both the Author and any commissioning entity and ensure confidentiality of the reviewed content and their opinions. The review process follows a double-blind procedure, where both the reviewers and the Authors remain anonymous. The list of reviewers is published on the Journal’s Website.
  3. Review Process:
    • The review is conducted in writing and concludes with one of the following recommendations:
      • Article is accepted for publication.
      • Article is accepted for publication after minor revisions.
      • Article requires major revisions and re-review.
      • Article is rejected.
    • If the article includes complex empirical research with statistical or econometric analysis, it will be reviewed by a statistical expert.
    • After receiving positive reviews, articles will be forwarded to an English-language editor for further revisions.
  1. Final Decision:
    The article will be accepted for publication only after receiving positive reviews, meeting formal requirements, and the Author (or co-author) signing the Author's Declaration. If at least one review is negative, the article will be rejected. The editorial office requests a written response from the Author to the review.
  2. Final Publication Decision:
    The final decision regarding publication is made by the thematic editors and the editor-in-chief, based on the reviews and the final version of the article submitted by the Author. The Author is informed of the review results and any suggested changes.


 Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of each article is based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance: The extent to which the article aligns with the journal’s scope and addresses contemporary issues.
  • Contribution: The article’s contribution to advancing knowledge in the field and the practical applicability of the research findings.
  • Substance and Linguistic Quality: The accuracy of the content and the clarity of language.

For a detailed list of evaluation criteria, please refer to the following link:
Evaluation Criteria