Introduction. Abilities – Talent – Creativity. Very „Present” Discourses




abilities, talent, creativity, recognition, support, research


The text offers an introduction into the sixteenth issue of “Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies,” which is dedicated to the topic of educational, family, and cultural conditions for recognizing and supporting abilities, talent, and creativity. In the introduction, the authors emphasize that the topic of abilities and talents has become an important subject in contemporary studies in pedagogy and psychology. The sixteenth issue of the journal consists of both theoretical and empirical articles, which present the results of the authors’ research projects.

Author Biographies

Krzysztof J. Szmidt, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Krzysztof J. Szmidt is a professor of social sciences at the University of Lodz, head of the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity. Member of the Art Pedagogy Section of the Pedagogical Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of many scientific and educational works in the field of creativity and cultural education, including the first academic textbook in Poland, Pedagogy of Creativity (2007; 2013). Co-author of textbooks for the lessons of creativity Order and Adventure, Elements and the “iconic” integrated education project Adventure with the class (WSiP). Author of the original concept of help in creating – creativity training (Explorations – Combinations – Transformations), supervisor of creativity training of the Polish Creativity Association, author of innovative textbooks for creativity training. Nobel Prize winner Olga Tokarczuk was a participant in his creative training. The tutor of the Primary School “Pracownia” in Łódź, which implements the model of a creative school. His recent publications include: Educational conditions for the development of creativity (2017, Łódź, UŁ Publishing House), ABC of creativity. Continuations (2019, Warszawa, Difin; the first volume, ABC of creativity, was published in 2010), Questioning Thinking. Theory and education (co-author: E. Płóciennik, 2020, Łódź, UŁ Publishing House). The creator and scientific director of the “Education for Wisdom” book series (UŁ Publishing House), and a promoter of positive pedagogy.

Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska is a doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy, assistant professor at the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern the pedagogy of creativity, professional creativity, qualitative research. Author of the books: Everyday creativity in narratives educators (2015), Towards self-realization. Women’s life re-decisions (with A. Chmielińska, 2021).


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How to Cite

Szmidt, K. J., & Modrzejewska-Świgulska, M. (2023). Introduction. Abilities – Talent – Creativity. Very „Present” Discourses. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 16(1), 8–16.

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