Valorization housing space modified by Urban Audit
valorization of residential area, Urban Audit, housing estate, public residential spaceAbstract
The quality of the housing space is now becoming more important in general social impairment. This is accompanied by an intensive development of studies on the quality of life of residents in the field of spatial development and public perception of the place of residence. The valorisation of the housing space occupies a special position in the area of research on housing. The article concerns the application of the Municipal Audit method for the valorisation of public housing space. The aim of the study is to propose a modification of that method in order to better adapt this method to the assessment of residential structures. The advantage of the audit is its simplicity in the procedural and analytical layer (uncomplicated scoring, the possibility of calculating average values, results visualized spatially on maps), which makes it possible to be widely used, especially by local governments, also in the context of low costs of carrying out such research. In the initial parts of the work brought closer to issues of terminology and the theoretical basis of the valorization in general by referring to its criteria and types. Issues of methodological structure and stages of audit development on foreign and Polish development were also submitted. Further part of the work was devoted to the proposed modifications of the Municipal Audit as the methods of valorisation of public housing space, in particular housing estate. The most significant changes have been made within the directory variable and the scale of assessments. The extension of the list of features subjected to assessment has been dictated by their unambiguous belonging to the overriding category of public housing space and the scale of settlement units, which allows thorough valorization tests due to the possibility of distinguishing relatively small urban units in which analyzes are carried out. It was recognized that the legitimacy of the introduction of a wider scale of assessment is also justified in the possibility of formulating precise schedules of intervention and recovery plans implemented under the settlement urban policy. The essential part of these modifications was formulated on the basis of an valorisation and a questionnaire examination carried out on the Wyzwolenia Estate in Piotrków Trybunalski using the present method. The conducted research also allowed to indicate the important role of social research as a supplement to the results of the audit prepared for the urban subsystem. It is also a form of taking into account social participation in the development of guidelines for the management of housing space. It should also be noted that the study focuses on the study of public housing space, however, depending on the assumed goals, the valorization may be supplemented with the assessment of private housing space as an equivalent component of the general category of the studied space.
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