Disability in Video Games—An Overview Based on Selected Virtual Characters
video games, disability, stereotypesAbstract
Images of disability present in the media have a significant impact on the perception of people with disabilities. They shape stereotypical ideas that translate into the attitudes and expectations that a large part of society has for people with disabilities. Previous research has focused on showing images of people with disabilities in traditional media. Meanwhile, in modern popular culture, new media, including video games, play an increasing role. Today, it is important to examine the ways in which characters with disabilities are portrayed in video games. The main aim of this article is to reconstruct typical images of disability in video games. This will show how the built-in images fix or change existing stereotypes. Video games were selected in which disabled heroes appeared. The study was based on the analysis of cultural codes. This method was adapted for the study of a specific medium—video games. They engage the user in the proces of creating the hero and the actions he takes in the game world.
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