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The Experiences of the Families of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum During the Pandemic: A Study of Neurodiverse Individuals and Their Caregivers in the Context of Anomie Caused by the Global Health Crisis




anomie, pandemic, autism spectrum


The health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily suspended many of the existing rules and principles of the social order. This crisis can be described as social anomie. In this article, we explore the coping strategies of persons with disabilities in this state using the example of the families of individuals on the autism spectrum. While the neurodiversity of people on the spectrum is associated with adaptation difficulties and a low tolerance of change, the outbreak of the pandemic introduced abrupt changes in the functioning of institutions, the trajectories of daily life, and existing routines. The analysis of in-depth interviews conducted among parents of children on the autism spectrum shows how, in the face of radical changes in their external conditions, caregivers adapted the available measures to the developmental needs of their children and other family members. In the face of an anomic social order, innovation turned out to be the dominant coping strategy.


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Author Biographies

Anna Prokop-Dorner, Jagiellonian University Medical College

An assistant professor in the Department of Medical Sociology of the Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College. Sociologist and psychologist. Her research interests include social contexts of mental health, cultural determinants of health behaviors, and the application of qualitative methods in the field of health research.

Natalia Ożegalska-Łukasik, Jagiellonian University

A research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Jagiellonian University. She studied Chinese as part of government scholarships at the Beijing Foreign Studies University and Central China Normal University. As a doctoral student, she received a scholarship under the SYLFF program at the Australian National University. The area of her research interests includes the transformation of Chinese society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, as well as the issues of health and education.

Maria Świątkiewicz-Mośny, Jagiellonian University

An assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. Head of the Laboratory of Social Communication at the Institute of Sociology and coordinator of the specialization in social communication dedicated to Master-degree students of sociology. She is interested in communication processes both at the individual and group level, especially in the context of health and illness. She is fascinated by identity, the mechanisms of its construction, and the impact on communication processes in various areas, including medicine (disability, illness).


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How to Cite

Prokop-Dorner, A., Ożegalska-Łukasik, N., & Świątkiewicz-Mośny, M. (2023). The Experiences of the Families of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum During the Pandemic: A Study of Neurodiverse Individuals and Their Caregivers in the Context of Anomie Caused by the Global Health Crisis. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 19(3), 96–115.




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