From a qualitative researcher’s workshop – the characteristics of applying computer software in studies based on the grounded theory methodology
Computer aided qualitative data analysis, NVivo, grounded theory methodology, studies into sport of persons with disabilitiesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to show how computer aided qualitative data analysis tools can be utilized in research practice. Based on the example of a particular research project, I make an attempt to describe how studies are performed pursuant to the procedures of the grounded theory methodology, using NVivo software. This is a presentation of a workshop of a qualitative researcher who uses computer software to aid the research process on a daily basis. At the same time, I stress the existing improvements, but also the consequences and potential difficulties related to the application of computer software in qualitative research. The article is of a review and educational character, and it is intended to familiarize the reader with the possibilities of a tool belonging to CAQDAS and its real application in carrying out a research project based on a selected research method.
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