The Role of Keyworker/Specialist in the Diagnosis and Therapy of a Child with Selective Mutism (SM)




selective mutism, role of keyworker/specialist, diagnosis and therapy


Wide-ranging assistance to a child with SM should comprise, among other things, the roles of the keyworker/specialist. The aim of this article is to discuss the role of keyworker/specialist in the diagnosis and therapy of a child with selective mutism to identify the areas of their influence and tasks which they face.

Therapeutic influence of a keyworker/specialist include: 1) coordinating the entire diagnostic and therapeutic process; 2) strengthening the child’s sense of security; 3) enabling the child to interact with others; 4) supporting the child’s autonomy, privacy, agency and independence; 5) strengthening the sense of competence; 6) fostering openness to new experiences and challenges; 7) allowing the child to experience failure by teaching the child to cope with defeat and setbacks; 8) developing and strengthening the child’s sense of self-esteem.

A keyworker/specialist aware of his or her role and equipped with adequate knowledge of selective mutism can wisely and responsibly support a child in the treatment of speech anxiety, especially when they can count on the cooperation of the educational institution, educators, teachers and parents of a child with MW.


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How to Cite

Marciniak-Firadza, R. (2024). The Role of Keyworker/Specialist in the Diagnosis and Therapy of a Child with Selective Mutism (SM). Logopaedica Lodziensia, (9), 87–102.


