Editorial Instructions



Editorial guidelines for Authors

Action required for submitting the article (joffl@uni.lodz.pl) or via the OJS system Login or Register

The editors of the journal of Finance and Financial Law prefer the articles in English. The texts in English will be given priority in the publishing process.

1. The text should be prepared in electronic form, MS Word text editor, in accordance with the
editorial requirements (Harvard footnotes - https://www.citethisforme.com/harvard-referencing).
See article template JOFFL_template
2. We recommend sending two versions of the article, of which one (blind / blind version) that
prevents the identification of personal data and does not contain information about the
3. The author should send the author’s declaration together with the article.

4. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Finance and Financial Law use the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism system (details about the system can be found at: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/)

5. General text recommendations:

Text volume:
- Summary in English (and optionally in Polish) with a length between 250–350 words.
- Keywords: 5–8
- Appropriate text: recommended up to 40,000 characters (including spaces), but not less than 22,000 characters (with spaces) including title, abstract, tables, graphs and bibliography.
Text layout:
- Summary in English (the aim of the article, hypothesis, methodology, research results).
- Keywords.
- Classification system for Journal Articles (JEL) - https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel
- Introduction (definition of research issues, reference to previous research results, defining
the research problem, justification for taking up the topic).
- The main content, with a clear division into headings (with particular emphasis on the
comparison of the results of own research with the results of other authors).
- Summary (conclusions, postulates, recommendations, recommendations for further
- Bibliography.
- Title, summary, keywords in Polish (additionally in relation to texts in Polish).

The editors of the journal recommend that literature sources from the Web of Science or Scopus databases be cited. Each article should contain at least 10 references from the Web of Science or Scopus databases except for articles in the field of legal science.

The Author must check all the articles in the bibliography of the submitted paper, whether the cited articles have a DOI number. To do this, use: http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/

Editors’ reservations
The editors reserve the right to:
- making language corrections,
- rejecting articles prepared not in accordance with these instructions.
The article cannot be published before, nor can it be the subject of proceedings qualifying it for
publication in another journal or publishing house.