Knowledge of Rights and Obligations – as One of the Methods of Consumer Protection in the Banking Services Market


  • Magdalena Lubaś Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Prawa i Administracji



Bank Guarantee Fund, bank, bank account, loan, banking services


The purpose of this article is to indicate the rights and obligations that the consumer has on the banking services market, what he can demand from the bank and what he does not have to agree on. If the consumer knows what entitlements are guaranteed to him by virtue of the law in force he can raise it in contact with the bank. However, rarely anyone knows what is included in laws or regulations, because not everyone knows the law. Latin bonus derived from Roman law Ignorantia iuris nocet (ignorance of the law harms), clearly reflects the position of consumers both on the market of banking services and throughout the entire economy. The thesis of this article is the idea that knowledge of rights and obligations can be one of the effective defense mechanisms of the consumer in the banking services market. I will base my article on research carried out on the knowledge of customer rights in the banking services market.


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How to Cite

Lubaś, M. (2018). Knowledge of Rights and Obligations – as One of the Methods of Consumer Protection in the Banking Services Market. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 2(18), 37–49.


