Capital Structure of Companies Listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the COVID-19 Pandemic Effect on Their Risk




capital structure, COVID-19, company risk, capital market, stock exchange


Subject: The financial management of companies is examined in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the relationship between their capital structure and risk changes during the pandemic is scrutinised.

The purpose of the article: To determine how companies’ total, systematic and idiosyncratic risks changed during the COVID-19 pandemic depending on their capital structure based on a sample of organisations listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Methodology: The study involves the use of a panel data regression model.

Results of the research: The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the risk of overleveraged companies and underleveraged ones alike. Its influence on their total risk was weaker among the underleveraged organisations. Regarding systematic risk, its levels did not generally change significantly in the wake of the pandemic, but idiosyncratic risk, only in the case of the overleveraged companies increased statistically significantly.


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How to Cite

Gajdka, J., & Szymański, M. (2021). Capital Structure of Companies Listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the COVID-19 Pandemic Effect on Their Risk. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 4(32), 153–166.


