Senior Citizens as Customers of Shopping Centres in Łódź and the Motives for Their Spatial Behaviours


  • Agnieszka Rochmińska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Katedra Studiów Ludnościowych i Badań nad Usługami



seniors, old people, shopping mall, free time, spatial behavior, consumer, Łódź


An increasing group of senior citizen customers constitutes a challenge for both the management of shopping centres as well as the traders offering their goods and services in such complexes. Therefore, attention should be paid to who the senior shopping centre customers are, what are their motives for choosing a given shopping centre as a „visiting” place, how their perceive shopping and staying in such centres and, finally, what stance do they take on their location which determines their spatial behaviours. From both the scientific and the marketing point of view, it is important to determine the preferences and motivations for spatial behaviours also in people of pre-senior age, as they will soon enough be part of the senior group active on the consumer market.
People aged 45–59 and 60+ constitute an important section of the customers of shopping centres in Łódź. The former group is especially popular. Those of the so-called „pre-senior” age making use of the wide range of products and services on offer are the more frequent visitors in the „consumption temples”.


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How to Cite

Rochmińska, A. (2015). Senior Citizens as Customers of Shopping Centres in Łódź and the Motives for Their Spatial Behaviours. Space – Society – Economy, (14), 165–184.

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