Differentiation of land cover and geometric features of parcels along motorways and expressways in Poland


  • Marta Borowska-Stefańska University of Łódź, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Institute of the Built Environment and Spatial Policy, Kopcińskiego 31, 90-142 Łódź
  • Szymon Wiśniewski University of Łódź, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Institute of the Built Environment and Spatial Policy, Kopcińskiego 31, 90-142 Łódź




land cover, motorways, expressways, Poland, GIS


The aim of this work is both to assess differentiation of geometric features of parcels in the immediate neighbourhood of motorways and expressways in Poland (as divided into provinces) as well as to analyze their land cover. In order to achieve this, the authors used data on parcels from the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) as well as information on land cover from the Database of Topographic Objects (obtained from the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography). It was concluded that there is a correlation not only between the existence of motorways and expressways and the land cover along them but also between geometric features of parcels. In those cases when motorway interchanges are located in the vicinity of big cities as it is exemplified, for instance, by the province of Silesia, Mazovia or even Łódź, there is an increase in development intensity in their vicinity. Besides that, parcels tend to be smaller on those areas where the density of motorways and expressways is the greatest.


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How to Cite

Borowska-Stefańska, M., & Wiśniewski, S. (2018). Differentiation of land cover and geometric features of parcels along motorways and expressways in Poland. Space – Society – Economy, (23), 95–110. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-3180.23.06