Some Notes on the Field Study of Amateur Football Clubs (in the Coming Post-Pandemic Era)
football club, rural areas, methodology, pandemicAbstract
Empirical studies in the field of sports sociology are characterized by an extraordinary difficulty of realization in situ, which is manifested by limited access to research material and limited possibility of its comparisons. As Klaus Heinemann (1989) pointed out in his classic study, these problems result from (a) the diversity of models of modern sport and forms of its social rooting, and (b) the specificity of sports organizations – currently polyfunctional, often operating in extremely diversified social environments. The aim of the article is to present selected methodological problems that occurred during the ethnographic study of amateur football clubs operating in the countryside of Poland. The author also makes an attempt to relate the experience gained from the realization of this venture with the post-pandemic situation. The article can thus be treated as a voice in the discussion on the usefulness of qualitative tools in the study of contemporary sport.
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