Specialist Knowledge on the Sense of Smell and Readiness to Implement the Method of Participants in the Olfactor Therapy Method Training





smell, Olfactor Therapy Method, speech therapy, neurodidactics, knowledge, readiness, implementation


The article describes the function of the sense of smell in everyday life and outlines the characteristics of the Olfactor Therapy Method. The aim of the text is to present the results of research conducted in a group of therapists (mainly speech therapists) on changes in their knowledge of the area of smell (function, diagnosis and therapy) as a result of their participation in training in the above-mentioned method. One of the components of the Olfactor Therapy Method is its educational part, the aim of which is to promote knowledge on smell among specialists. The article shows that as a result of participating in the Olfactor Therapy Method training, the participants experienced an increase in the level of specialist knowledge about the sense of smell and were ready to implement it in their professional practice. Based on the analysis of the research results, it was concluded that there is a real need to organize workshops on olfactology for therapists (including speech therapists, special education educators.


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How to Cite

Hamerlińska, A. (2024). Specialist Knowledge on the Sense of Smell and Readiness to Implement the Method of Participants in the Olfactor Therapy Method Training. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (9), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.09.04




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