Speech Therapy Transformation or Speech Therapy Boutique, Robbery and Bling? Reconnaissance of Issues





subject of speech therapy, interdisciplinarity of speech therapy, threat to interdisciplinarity, hybrid speech therapist, education of speech therapists, exceeding competences by speech therapists


The aim of the study is to accentuate the worrisome aspects in the advancement of speech therapy. The background for reflection is the subject matter of speech therapy and the resulting interdisciplinarity of this field. In this context, the author describes some disturbing phenomena, such as speech therapists omitting speech therapy tasks and adopting the methods used by other specialists, and thus, exceeding their competences. As a result of this, speech therapists are moving away from speech therapy and the boundaries between speech therapy and medicine or physiotherapy become blurred. Another consequence is the appearance of hybrid speech therapists, i.e. those whose place can be described as being ‘between speech therapy and physiotherapy’.


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How to Cite

Pluta-Wojciechowska, D. (2024). Speech Therapy Transformation or Speech Therapy Boutique, Robbery and Bling? Reconnaissance of Issues. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (10), 11–22. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.10.01