Motivation or delusion: Taiwanese university students’ reasons for learning (?) Polish
Polish, PFL, Taiwan, LOTE, motivationAbstract
The present case study investigated the motivation of two Taiwanese university students to learn Polish. It should be seen in the wider context of LOTE instruction in a country where foreign language education has been dominated by English. To date, still too little has been understood about Taiwanese PFL learners’ motivations, as previous studies in Poland focused on other demographic groups and the local research exhibited a marked predilection for EFL. The project aimed to (1) identify the factors fueling and impeding the drive to learn Polish, (2) uncover the underlying picture of the educational setting, as well as (3) formulate a handful of practical considerations for FL practitioners. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews served for data collection. The analysis revealed a wide discrepancy between declared motivation and the actual learning outcomes. A need to appear unique and impress others, along with perceived similarities between Taiwan and Poland, inspired both of the informants. Limited knowledge of Poland among fellow citizens did not discourage learning, nor did the lack of a positive image of the target community. The researcher has tried to address the confusion about what it means to learn a language. Despite the limited sample, the results manage to illustrate some of the current problems faced by Taiwanese LOTE stakeholders.
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