Education in the Field of Working of Tax System as the Protection of the Taxer’s Rights


  • Natalia Ołówko Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Wydział Ekonomiczny



taxpayer's rights, tax system in Poland, tax education


The article reviews the rights of taxpayers included in both the Basic Law and the Tax Ordinance, and to confront them with the taxpayers' knowledge of the basics of the tax system. Showing how important is the problem of public unconsciousness in the context of tax knowledge based on the results of the conducted research is also to pay attention to the necessity of organization educational actions and initiatives. Such projects, carried out mainly by the Ministry of Finance and the National Chamber of Tax Advisors are extremely important and should be intensified as part of increasing taxpayers' awareness of the duties and rights they are entitled to. The article also lists examples of such initiatives taking place in the past.


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How to Cite

Ołówko, N. (2018). Education in the Field of Working of Tax System as the Protection of the Taxer’s Rights. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 3(19), 41–53.


