Global Systemically Important Banks and Their Significance for the Polish Financial Sector




global systemically important banks, Polish financial sector, systemic risk


The purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate relevance of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) in the context of Polish financial sector. This aspect is often overlooked, as there are no G-SIBs based in Poland.

Methodology: Abovementioned aim is fulfilled by aims of providing an overview of the international characteristics and regulation of G-SIBs, describing the interrelations between these entities and institutions operating in the Polish market, and by showing how these connections can change the financial sector in Poland both directly and indirectly. The analysis is based on international standards on G-SIBs published by the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, as well as on EU legal acts implementing these documents. Additional sources on the „indirect” functioning of G-SIBs in Poland encompass annual reports of the entities linked to them, management reports on their activities, as well as articles and Internet data.

Results of the research: G-SIBs influence Polish financial sector in several different ways. First, G-SIB-oriented regulation and supervision has an impact on Polish entities that are linked to them. Second, even indirect presence of G-SIBs is economically significant.


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How to Cite

Parchimowicz, K. (2021). Global Systemically Important Banks and Their Significance for the Polish Financial Sector. Journal of Finance and Financial Law, 4(32), 67–82.


