About the Journal

Mission and goals of the journal

The JoFFL quarterly is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research articles, often combining theory with practice, relating to finance and related fields. The journal is also open to representatives of legal sciences who take up the subject of financial regulations.

The aim of the journal is to promote and publish the results of research in the field of finance, to inspire authors, as well as readers, to better understand, define and explain important, in particular current financial phenomena and mechanisms. The task of the journal is to provide a forum for dissemination research results and exchange of opinions, presentation of individual and team scientific achievements.

The editors are constantly recruiting articles for the journal JoFFL.

An article published in the journal JoFFL is awarded 40 points. (Ministry of Science and Higher Education January 2024)

Number of articles published in the last year: 43

Other information

  • The Editorial Board follows the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • Since 2016, all articles published in JOFFL have been assigned an identification number, using the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI)
  • The basic license for publishing articles in the journal is CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivatives). At the author's request it is possible to publish it under the CC-BY (Attribution) license.

    • e-ISSN 2353-5601 – an electronic version
    • ISSN 2391-6478 - printed version
  • The Editorial Board of the Journal of Finance and Financial Law use the Crossref Similarity Check anti-plagiarism system (details about the system can be found at: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/)