The subject and the genre. Sonnet and fable in Adam Wiedemann’s poetry
Adam Wiedemann, poetry, animal fable, sonnet, genreAbstract
The article addresses the issue of the genre of the speaking “I” in the poems by Adam Wiedemann. The issue is analysed in relation to traditional genre forms: both purely literary and those that are the cross between “official” and traditional (oral) literature, namely the sonnet and the Aesopian fable. The article indicates that the reorientation of genremodels of expression locate the speaking “I” in Wiedemann’s poetry in the field of dialectics: between the awareness of the need to refer to tradition and its deconstruction, between generating literary invariants and being subject to the influence of literary and cultural conventions, and finally – between approving of its own fictionality and the search for authenticity in crossing the established rules.
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