Looking for „Self” at the Intersection of „Master/master” Discourses





Master/master–disciple relationship, scientific (academic) auto/biography, hermeneutics of the subject, Michel Foucault, reflexivity


The article discusses the problem of constructing the identity of the modern subject that appears at the intersection of lived experience and the description of it. It is treated as instrumental, a sphere of Master/master–disciple relationship, framed by the author as “existing in a Master/master universe.” The results of the author’s own research on scientific (academic) auto/biographies, as well as other resources revealing different aspects of the Master/master–disciple relationship, serve as the main point of reference for creating the descriptive, interpretive, and analytical layers of the article. They are presented in a mode of anthropologically-oriented text analysis supported by—located in the context of Polish educational sciences—Michel Foucault’s concept of “the hermeneutics of the subject.”

Author Biography

Marcin Kafar, University of Lodz, Department of Educational Studies

Kafar Marcin – assistant professor at the Department of Educational Studies of the University of Lodz; editor of several book series and member of the editorial board of “NOWIS.” He is currently conducting research on scientific biographies in Poland and the United States. Recepient of internhips (2010, 2016) and visiting professor (2018) at the Department of Communication, University of South Florida, USA.



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How to Cite

Kafar, M. (2019). Looking for „Self” at the Intersection of „Master/master” Discourses. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 8(1), 126–147. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.08.09

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