Population ageing in polish cities and towns
ageing process, small towns, large towns, cities, demographic dependency ratio, index of demographic ageingAbstract
The inhabitants of cities and towns constitute more than 60% of the Polish population. The settlement system of Poland has a developed, multi-stage, hierarchical, urban structure, and the capital city has little advantage over other regional centres as compared with other European countries. Cities and towns, especially the latter, are evenly distributed over the area of the country. These features of the settlement system indicate its polycentrism. The demographic changes that have been observed in Poland for several decades, including population ageing, concern the inhabitants of cities, as well as large and small towns. However, both the level of population ageing in the urban units of varying sizes and the dynamics of this process are spatially diverse. The main purpose of this work is to determine the level and dynamics of population ageing in cities, large towns and small towns in Poland.
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