Consumer behavior in online buying of Łódź – Olechów residents




handel Internetowy, Łódź, zachowania konsumenckie


The main point of this article is the analysis of the consumers behavior – services and goods buyers who are Łódź – Olechów residents. The analyzed area is situated on the outskirts of the city, in a quite long distance from the city centre. The area is not very rich in service workshops. The question arises if people living in such an area tend to use the Internet for purchasing both services and goods, and what services and goods they are interested in. 152 out of 209 questioned people claimed to use the Internet (72,7%). They use the Internet mostly for entertainment and private issues. The survey showed 67,1% of Internet users trade on the Internet. The latter residents mostly buy: clothes (48), books (37), hi-tech (36), computers and computer accessories (36), CDs (34), cosmetics and beauty products (30), sports equipment (27). The majority (approx. 91%) of purchasers can really notice the huge advantages of buying on the Internet making it more beneficial than the traditional forms of trade. Some of the advantages of on-line buying according to the respondents are as follows: saving time (53), saving money (45), and wider choice of products (44). What is more, for the third of those questioned, online buying makes shopping more comfortable because of the following reasons: 24/7 access; avoiding crowds; and home delivery. The research revealed that on-line shopping is becoming more and more popular and about 16% prefer buying on the Internet.


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How to Cite

Rochmińska, A. (2008). Consumer behavior in online buying of Łódź – Olechów residents. Space – Society – Economy, (8), 155–164.

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