Łódź in the regional and national transportation system
road infrastructure, rail infrastructure, air transport, passenger transport, cargo transport, ŁódźAbstract
This article presents the location of Łódź in the transport network of Poland and the Łódź region. It focuses on the centre’s location in reference to the main elements of road, rail and air networks on a national and regional scale. Due to physical and geographical location of Łódź, the three branches of transport exhaust the city’s transport possibilities. Besides that, transport relations of Łódź are characterized as far as the functioning public transport is concerned, considering all the aforementioned modes of transport. The study also includes information on the significance of Łódź as a transport node for cargo transport. All these analyses precede reflections on the location of Łódź against the background of trans-European transport corridors as well as an overview of historical conditioning of transport connections of the area of today’s Łódź.
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