Hybrid identities? Trajectories of the Lives of Women with Acquired Disabilities
identity, women with disability, acquired disability, physical disability, turning pointAbstract
In the study of disability, an extremely important role is played by issues related to identity changes occurring under the influence of experiences which alter the current course of life and force the adoption of new roles and the adaptation of previously fulfilled roles. This is the nature of a disability acquired in adulthood. It is a turning point that transforms the identities of women who must redefine themselves and their places in a reality that is new to them. The main goal of the article will be to show the changes that affect the identities of women who, as a result of an accident, acquired disability in adulthood. The study is based on autobiographical narrative interviews. This method allowed me to reconstruct the trajectory of the lives of the respondents, showing the process-like nature of the identities they shape, which have undergone changes under the influence of the need to adapt to the conditions resulting from the acquired disability. Six women – diversified in terms of age, education, professional position, and family situation, all of which influenced their roles and social positions – were surveyed.
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