Integration, Emancipation, or Affirmation? Identity of Persons with Disabilities in Contemporary Poland


  • Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba AGH, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie



identity, disability, integration, affirmation disability, social model of disability


The situation of people with disabilities has been fundamentally transformed in the last decades. Changes in the environment of people with disabilities contribute to this. People with disabilities are actively involved in fighting for their rights. This is also due to the widespread social model of defining disability. This creates conditions in which the identity of persons with disabilities may be redefined. This is particularly true for those who are actively involved in the development of people with disabilities. Their identity is constructed on the basis of new social roles that involve engaging in activities aimed at changing the position of persons with disabilities in society. The main aim of the article is to show how active people working for the environment of people with disabilities develop positive identities based on the affirmation of diversity, and to what extent they still perceive disability as a stigma, causing the exclusion of persons with disabilities from society. The study was based on narrative interviews with people actively working for the environment of people with disabilities to see what their identity orientation is.


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Author Biography

Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba, AGH, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba - doktor na Wydziale Humanistycznym Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Jej zainteresowania naukowe łączą analizę nowych mediów z perspektywą działań zbiorowych podejmowanych w rzeczywistości społecznej i wirtualnej. Szczególną uwagę koncentruje na niepełnosprawności i aktywności społecznej, publicznej i obywatelskiej tej kategorii społecznej w dobie zmian zachodzących we współczesnych społeczeństwach pod wpływem nowych technologii oraz wzrostu znaczenia praw człowieka.


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How to Cite

Żuchowska-Skiba, D. (2018). Integration, Emancipation, or Affirmation? Identity of Persons with Disabilities in Contemporary Poland. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 14(3), 12–28.

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