Home Caregivers of Seniors with Dementia in the Pandemic Reality
caregivers, dementia, COVID-19Abstract
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the social reality, the current characteristics of which include: unpredictability, permanent change, and difficulties in defining actions to deal with the consequences of the existing threats, both at the macro and micro level.
This situation particularly affects groups that need social support. One of them includes home caregivers of people suffering from dementia. The aim of the article is to present the situation of home caregivers who take care of their family members suffering from dementia. The description is based on data obtained in random interviews carried out in 2021 on a sample selected in a purposeful manner. The respondents recognized that the pandemic had a significant impact on the way they function, in particular: the way they provide care (a feeling of greater burden due to limited institutional support and access to medical care), the need to function in virtual reality, an increase in the sense of exclusion, and the deterioration of mood resulting from both from personal experience and observation of the condition of the person under their care.
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- 2023-08-31 (1)
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