Family Life in Times of Uncertainty: Challenges and Dilemmas




family life, uncertainty, reproductive dilemmas, everyday life, emotional relationships


The aim of the article is to briefly present the social conditions that are necessary for the creation of a modern family. The basis of its existence is the emotional self-fulfillment of its members. The multiplicity of family life patterns, the ambiguity of scenarios for family roles, the instability of sources of income, and the contractual character of family ties do not make it easy for individuals to achieve the above-mentioned goal. Constantly forced to solve dilemmas connected with the necessity to make choices, individuals face a peculiarly anomic situation. Making decisions is no longer limited to being in a partnership or being a parent. Rather, the entire order of daily life is the result of constant choices and negotiations. The realization of some patterns of action – among the many options offered by the market and expert systems – determines not only the shape of individual family life and the form of family, but also their institutionalization, at least the temporary one, thus influencing the entirety of social life.


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Author Biography

Iwona Taranowicz, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Iwona Taranowicz, dr hab. prof. UWr, socjolożka, kierownik Zakładu Socjologii Stosowanej i Pracy Socjalnej, Przewodnicząca Sekcji Socjologii Życia Rodzinnego i Intymności Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego, zajmuje się przemianami życia rodzinnego, społecznymi aspektami zdrowia oraz problemami społecznymi.


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How to Cite

Taranowicz, I. (2022). Family Life in Times of Uncertainty: Challenges and Dilemmas. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 18(1), 6–13.

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