Polish Researcher in Ukraine: Methodological Remarks
biographical-narrative interview, qualitative research, biographical memory, analysis of the narrative, Polish-Ukrainian relations, Word War IIAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyze methodological aspects of implementing research project in a culturally different environment where language and national identity difference between interviewee and interviewer is present. The analysis is based on the fieldwork done by the Polish researcher in Ukraine. I try to answer whether different nationality influences in such situation the interaction with the interviewees and the results of the research, whether it is a burden or an advantage, and how this possible influence can be controlled. I am interested in issues of contact with the interviewees and interaction during the interview as such, as well as various kinds of the narrative’s modification made by the interviewee because of the different nationality of the researcher. I illustrate the following problems with citations of the interviews conducted within the frame of the project.
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