Reconstruction of discourse analytical practices on the basis of discourse analysis journals’ abstracts
discourse analysis, research practices, peer-reviewed journals, abstracts, empirical material, object of research, theoretical approaches, methods, analytical categoriesAbstract
The article pursues an exploratory goal of reconstructing discourse analytical practices through the research on the content of abstracts that appeared in discourse analysis-centred journals (“Language in Society,” “Discourse Studies,” “Discourse and Society,” “Language and Communication,” “Text and Talk”) published in English. The selected journals have a high Impact Factor and thus, significantly influence the major methodological trends within discourse analysis. The frequency with which the various types of content, i.e., types of empirical material (e.g., spoken and written discourse) and subject matter (institutional, everyday, media or internet interactions), as well as theoretical approaches and analytical categories, appear has been measured. Detailed analysis of both the journals’ diversification and trends common to all journals has allowed to draw tentative generalizations concerning the practices of discourse analysis in the English speaking world. The distinguishing features of these practices are: concentration on interaction, interest in institutional contexts and spoken communication, as well as applied research, to name a few.
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