Where is the Theater? Who Does It Belong to? On the Situating of Theatrical Institutions
sociology of art, field theory, theatrical institutions, COVID-19, situatingAbstract
The article is based on the results of nationwide research on the strategy of Polish theatrical institutions in the COVID-19 pandemic, conducted during the lockdown period. As it turned out, the research made it possible to formulate broader conclusions. The aim of this article is to reproduce the insight into the role, meaning, and diversification of the theatrical field that the persons managing such institutions have. An additional objective is the conceptualization of the notion of situating, which allows for a better recognition of the significance that the actors’ perceptions of the relationships forming the theatrical field have for the functioning of these relations. Using the category of situating in the interpretation of the contents of the conducted qualitative interviews, the authors describe, among other things, the contrasting models of thinking about theatrical institutions (managerial and authorial), the commitment to the traditional role of theater when compared to other arts, as well as the pivotal role of safety as a critical dimension differentiating the position of theater in the social reality.
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