For a semantic approach to derivation in foreign language teaching/learning




teaching/learning derivatives, mental vocabulary, formal (semasiological) approach, meaning (onomasiological) approach, Polish as a foreign/second language


Learning word formation mechanisms (reception level) and acquiring the ability to use derivatives in communication (production level) is a vital issue for foreigners learning Polish, which lets them enlarge immensely their active and passive vocabulary. The derivative system partially belongs to grammar, and partially to lexis, and this fact should be reflected in the language teaching/learning process. In that process, however, it very often ‘belongs exclusively to grammar’. The author, invoking psycholinguistic research, claims that such a solution, though not thoroughly wrong, may result in a lower than achievable level of internalization of derivatives in Polish language learners’ mental vocabulary. An alternative solution, she suggests, is to link teaching of derivatives with particular subject topics.


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How to Cite

Seretny, A. (2021). For a semantic approach to derivation in foreign language teaching/learning. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 28, 221–238.

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