Anti-Fairy Tale in a Novel like Frame. On The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant, Artur Schopenhauer, The Necklace, short story, fairy tale, BovarysmeAbstract
The article focuses on the analysis and interpretation of a short story by Guy de Maupassant, entitled The Necklace. The description of the assumptions related to the structure and the plot of this literary work was combined with a depiction of its psychological and philosophical contexts (Bovarysme, Schopenhauerism). Two plot layers were distinguished within the work. Onto a realistic background, the author applied an innuendo to the fairy tale about Cinderella in order to demonstrate the discrepancy between reality and daydreams. The reference to the tale as moralistic preaching on a potential turn of fate for the better became, within “the real story”, a tale on the price Cinderella pays for the possibility to go to the ball.
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