Literature and literariness, or how we read today?


  • Katarzyna Filipczak Computer System Institute w Chicago



reading, not reading, post-modernism, freedom, life


What is literature in the modern world? What is its purpose? Do you even exist? Such and other questions are raised in the current debate about reading and not reading. For many authors, literature means asking questions about man, the world, or the purpose of life. It is simply the true meaning of being in the world. It turns out, however, it is slowly dying, as we only read newspapers, manuals and billboards, and sometimes not even that. Why is this happening? Many blame academicism, present both in schools and universities. In addition, reading is associated with elites, who are educated or who have significant financial resources at their disposal. Some also believe that access to books is hindered by advances in technology.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Filipczak, Computer System Institute w Chicago

absolwentka filologii polskiej na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Interesuje się motywem incestu w literaturze oraz psychologią kliniczną. Obecnie studiuje w Computer System Institute w Chicago.


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How to Cite

Filipczak, K. (2015). Literature and literariness, or how we read today?. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (4), 353–356.


