Do You Think the Painting is Finished? The Function of Correction/Conversation in Developing Painting Skills on the Example of Outdoor Painting



Mots-clés :

outdoor painting, correction, conversation, artistic / painting, observation, interviews


The aim of the article is to present the meaning of correction, i.e. the conversation accompanying the study of outdoor painting. Correction is a tool that can support and motivate to pursue artistic work, and at the same time it can introduce students to the language of visual arts. It is widely used at various levels of arts education. Art adepts in conversation with teachers / experienced artists and other painters gain declarative and procedural knowledge in the field of painting. The article uses materials from observations, conversations and interviews conducted during open-air painting sessions, addressed primarily to amateur artists and people preparing for studies. The article consists of three parts: a theoretical introduction to the subject of outdoor painting and its importance for artistic education, a methodological and empirical section, which discusses the different functions of correction, its types, and the context of the emergence of conversations about artistic progress, including an analysis of the stages of work in the open air context. It concludes with a discussion on creation as an interpersonal and relational process, an important element of which are constructive conversations about art and artistic competences.

Biographie de l'auteur

Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska, University of Lodz

Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska is a doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy, assistant professor at the Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity at the University of Lodz. Her research interests concern the pedagogy of creativity, professional creativity, qualitative research. Author of the books: Everyday creativity in narratives educators (2015), Towards self-realization. Women’s life re-decisions (with A. Chmielińska, 2021).


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Comment citer

Modrzejewska-Świgulska, M. (2023). Do You Think the Painting is Finished? The Function of Correction/Conversation in Developing Painting Skills on the Example of Outdoor Painting. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 16(1), 144–161.

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