Axionormative Models in the System of Science in Poland. The Sociological Perspective of Anomie




axionormative models, anomie, system of science, Poland, grounded theory methodology, sociology of science, humanistic coefficient


The article raises the problem of conflicting axionormative models, diagnosing the phenomenon of anomie in the system of science in Poland. The content of the paper is based on in-depth interviews with experts who work in the system of science (scientists, research project leaders, scientific editors-in-chief) and experts who cooperate with scientists (scientific journalists, administrative management staff). The article recalls the concepts of post-academic and post-normal science, ethical “declarative” models, as well as diverse models of “factual” cultures, demonstrated in many ethical and non-ethical actions. The article identifies areas of normative contrasts related to scientific policies which correspond with the processes of science globalization, as well as ways of doing research, additionally determined by scientific mobility. The presented paper deepens the understanding of the changing normative patters in the system of science from the grassroots perspective, with the application of the humanistic coefficient.


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Author Biography

Dorota Jedlikowska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Socjologii

Dorota Jedlikowska, doktor nauk społecznych w dziedzinie socjologii. Zainteresowania badawcze autorki dotyczą socjologii nauki, w tym socjologii komunikowania naukowego, badań nad instytucjonalizacją dyscyplin naukowych oraz badań nad rozwojem kapitału społecznego. Dodatkową dziedziną zainteresowań jest metodologia nauk społecznych.


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How to Cite

Jedlikowska, D. (2021). Axionormative Models in the System of Science in Poland. The Sociological Perspective of Anomie. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 17(2), 26–43.




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