In the “Microworld of Motherhood”: Experiencing Loneliness While Being a Mother – An Autoethnographic Study




loneliness, motherhood, Goffman, frames, autoethnography


The author uses autoethnography to analyze one of the “microworlds of motherhood”. The interpretation of this particular “microworld” in this text is made from the perspective of Erving Goffman’s “frame” as a scheme of interpretation “anchored” in the marinization of everyday life. The author, referring to the literature on research on motherhood and the feeling of loneliness, attempts to redefine the frame of a single mother. The autoethnographic approach here is a “frame performance” and an invitation for the readers to reflect on their own parental experiences and to delve into their own parental emotions.


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Author Biography

Colette Szczepaniak, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Mgr, autoetnografka, doktorantka w dziedzinie nauk społecznych, w dyscyplinie pedagogika na Uniwersytecie Szczecińskim. Jej zainteresowania naukowe to płeć i macierzyństwo w kontekstach społeczno-kulturowych, zastosowanie krytycznej analizy dyskursu w badaniach pedagogicznych, pedagogie publiczne oraz autoetnografia jako metoda badań nad kobiecością i macierzyństwem.


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How to Cite

Szczepaniak, C. (2022). In the “Microworld of Motherhood”: Experiencing Loneliness While Being a Mother – An Autoethnographic Study. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 18(4), 152–167.




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