Experiencing the Pregnant Body as a Body Which Crosses the Boundaries—The Study of Sociology of Embodiment
pregnant body, woman, experiencing, boundariesAbstract
The way women experience a pregnant body is presented in the article on the basis of in-depth interviews. Usually, a pregnant body is a theme of scientific interest as a subject of medicalization and discipline or its representations are analyzed. This paper focuses on experience and, as a consequence, fits into the sociology of embodiment. Experiencing a pregnant body, as a body which has an exceptional status and unites two individuals, is analyzed using the concept of boundaries in three dimensions. Firstly, I am interested in pregnant body’s growing and its consequences for the daily practices. Secondly, I refer the boundaries of a pregnant body to the (in)dependence of a woman and a baby growing inside her body. And thirdly, taking the example of the practice of touching a pregnant woman’s belly, I analyze the boundaries of privacy and intimacy.
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