Mobile and Visual Methods in Research Practice. Using Photo-Walks in Sociological Research on Mental Maps and Human Territorial Behaviors
Photo-Walk, Mental Maps, Mobility, Visuality, SpaceAbstract
The article contains an introduction to the premises of methodological research which is aimed at identifying the ways in which people experiencing exclusion in various areas of life form mental maps of their neighborhood and exhibit territorial behaviors. It also refers to partial results of research developed on the basis of data collected with the use of cognitive schematization of paths aided by a photo-walk. This permitted the authors to identify typical ways of being in a space, as well as the manner in which the subjects of the research experienced the space. The authors then discuss theoretical and methodological implications of using visual and mobile methods in the process of producing and collecting knowledge about space, and finally, referring to the field research, point to the benefits and limitations of the application of these.
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