The hidden curriculum of physical non-didactical space of the university


  • Martyna Pryszmont – Ciesielska Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska



the hidden curriculum, physical space of the university, university, qualitative research, photography, autobiographical researcher’s perspective, qualitative analysis


The article focuses on issues concerning the hidden curriculum of physical space where university education is realizing. In the first part I will attempt to describe the hidden curriculum in the context of physical non-didactical space of the university. I will refer to selected authors and studies in this area, and then I will present the examples of mostly English studies that have been conducted in this field. The next part of the article will emphasize the methodological issues. I will start with defining the research problems – setting the questions about the hidden curriculum relating to the organization of selected elements of physical non-didactical space of the university i.e. the entrance to the building, staircases, hallways, halls. Afterwards I will present the selected pattern and method of research – the qualitative research orientation with a reference to the activity of taking photographs in order to gather empirical material. The analysis of visual data will provide me with a base for research conclusions as an attempt to answer the research problems.


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Author Biography

Martyna Pryszmont – Ciesielska, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska

Martyna Pryszmont-Ciesielska, dr – adiunkt w Instytucie Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Członek Akademickiego Towarzystwa Andragogicznego; od stycznia 2004 roku sekretarz cyklicznej ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej „Forum Pedagogów”. Zainteresowania naukowe: edukacja dorosłych; socjologia edukacji (w tym ukryty program edukacji, teoria reprodukcji Pierre’a Bourdieu), metodologia badań nad edukacją (w tym podejście auto/biograficzne w badaniach edukacyjnych, etnografia edukacyjna, badania w działaniu).


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How to Cite

Pryszmont – Ciesielska, M. (2009). The hidden curriculum of physical non-didactical space of the university. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 5(2), 41–61.




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