One theory – two research inspirations: A report from the research carried out with using theoretical and methodological approach of Howard E. Gruber
theory of H. E. Gruber, students’ education process, Polish female directors, academic teachersAbstract
The aim of this article is to present the main thesis of the theory: The Evolving Systems Approach to Creative Work developed by an American psychologist Howard E. Gruber and his co-workers and students. The authors of the study, inspired by this approach, use it in their individually carried out research to outline the theoretical framework of it, define study cases and draft explanations and interpretations of the experiences of the researched persons in individually conducted research on the creative work of Polish female directors and academic teachers implementing new didactic solutions into the students’ education process. The authors present in the article excerpts of the report on the process of analysis and interpretation of data from qualitative interviews and analysis of documents related to creative work of the research participants.
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