Identification of a Child’s Creative Potential: Test, Observation, or Dialogue? Main Themes of the Discourse
child’s creativity, diagnosis of creative potential, integrated diagnosis, portfolio methodAbstract
The subject of the article is the diagnosis of children’s creativity in its two varieties: diagnosis of creative potential and diagnosis of effectiveness, generally based on psycho- metric measurement. The author briefly characterizes both types of diagnoses, and then goes on to criticize their shortcomings and limitations, which are still the subject of dispute among their supporters. Finally, he proposes to appease these disputes by developing an integrated diagnosis model that combines the study of all aspects of creativity: products, people, the process of creation, and the creative environment, with the use of dialogue and through analyzing children’s narratives. Giving voice to the creative child and the systematic collection and analysis of his or her various achievements in the form of a portfolio is the essence of this model of diagnosis, which is to fulfill an important prognostic and developmental function.
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